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?What is SANCA

What is SANCA?

The South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - SANCA- is a non-governmental organisation whose major objectives are the prevention and treatment of alcohol and other drug dependence. The first of these objectives is mainly achieved through public education and the second through the provision of treatment services for chemically dependent people and their families.

SANCA has as its overall mission to address chemical dependency through the provision of specialized, accessible and affordable developmental, prevention and treatment services to all the people of South Africa, thereby enhancing the quality of life and restoring the self-respect and dignity of persons affected by alcoholism and drug dependence. (Chemical dependence is an umbrella term used to describe both alcoholism and drug dependence).

Established in 1956, SANCA came into existence in response to a need expressed by communities for assistance to deal with alcohol/ other drug problems in their midst. Today SANCA Alcohol and Drug Centres are found in major cities and towns and these centres offer a variety of services aimed at the alleviation of suffering caused by untreated chemical dependence. SANCA National?Directorate is located in , Johannesburg, South Africa.

The main goals of SANCA

  • To heighten public awareness on alcohol, other drugs and related problems;
  • To enlighten the public and private sector regarding prevention, treatment and research;
  • To prevent and reduce chemical substance dependence and related problems amongst all communities, especially concentrating on high risk groups such as children, youth, women and disadvantaged communities;
  • To provide treatment for alcohol and other drug dependents and their families;
  • To advocate the restriction of availability of, and reduction in the demand for potentially harmful chemical dependency forming substances thereby lowering levels of drug related problems.
  • To offer specialised training and education programmes and resources relating to prevention and treatment of substance abuse;
  • To undertake and encourage research in the field of alcohol and other drugs;
  • To mobilize and utilize community resources in the development of community services to address substance abuse and related problems;
  • To make available specialised and appropriate knowledge and resources hereby empowering communities in their effort to address their own needs.

Operational Structure of the SANCA Organization

SANCA is a national umbrella organisation consisting of 33 Alcohol and Drug Help Centres providing services from 39 Service points / satellite offices in all nine provinces of South Africa. Each Centre functions independently, but is affiliated to SANCA.

The SANCA National Directorate

The SANCA National Directorate is responsible for:
  • co-ordination of services nationally;
  • policy making;
  • maintaining standards;
  • training;
  • research and dissemination of information;
  • promotion of the field via national and international liaison;
  • fund-raising;
  • promotion of national programmes.
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