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? SANCA Research Projects

SANCA National Directorate is monitoring research in the field of alcohol and other drug abuse on an ongoing basis.

The supporting function of SANCA Information & Resource Centre situated at SANCA National Directorate, Johannesburg is that of secondary research viz;

  • Classification and cataloguing of both local and international data;
  • collection of statistics;
  • handle Literature searches;
  • provide a Current Awareness Service;
  • distribute printed material;
  • consultation service;
  • offer a reference and lending facility.

SANCA has collaborated on various research initiatives with two leading research organisations in South Africa:

    • Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
    • Medical Research Council (MRC);

  • Local State Departments:
    • Department of Correctional Services , Department of Education, Department of Welfare and Population; and

  • International organisations: WHO & ILO
These relate to both community based research in urban Black townships to research in specific populations, eg prisoners, youth; developmental research as relating to development and research of new projects, eg WHO project-- Prevention of Substance Abuse for Community Workers.

Contact SANCA Information and Resource Centre for further information on local research

SACENDU (South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use)

SANCA clinics in 5 provinces are contributing their treatment data to this national treatment study. This study has been in existence since 1997.


  1. Alcohol continues to be the most dominant substance of abuse and places a huge burden on the economy
  2. Use of dagga & mandrax alone or in combination continues to be high and mandrax usage has increased at some sites
  3. Indicators for cocaine are mixed with police seizures down but treatment demand increasing in some sites
  4. Treatment indicators and police activity continue to identify heroin as a problem in Gauteng, Cape Town and increasingly in Mpumalanga
  5. Treatment demand for methamphetamine ('tik') is increasing in Cape Town
  6. Poly substance abuse remains high and is increasing
  7. Over the past several years there have been substantial increases in proportion of patients coming to treatment who are under 20 years.

    SANCA National Treatment Database came into existence in November 2005. Individual clinics contribute their treatment data into a website.
    See SANCA Treatment Profile
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