
 SANCA Archives

Miss Sa Teen 2004

RAELENE RORKE has undertaken to utilise her reign as Miss SA Teen to promote a drug free message and also to support SANCA nationally.
Already to date her infectious enthusiasm has left its mark on many people within SANCA. She has asked to be able to speak to as many youth as possible to motivate them and to promote the theme of International Day against Drug Abuse Value yourself- make a healthy choice.pdf

During SANCA week (19-26 th June) she visited 2 SANCA clinics--Khutsong and Soweto She attended a Ke Moja /Dept Social Development rally in Middelburg. At all three events she made a presentations that was very inspirational.

There were two sessions at Highgate and Southgate shopping Centres where she together with
Judith Shopley, met the youth. Pamphlets were printed especially for the week--she autographed the pamphlet and engaged the passing youth with her charm and serious words about "saying No' and alternatives to drug abuse.She intends making as many presentations as she can at schools in conjunction with SANCA clinics.
Raelene has also appeared on Super Sport to promote Bandangles as well as SANCA Awareness Week. -

Photographs - Pictures taken at Southgate Shopping Centre on International Day against Drug Abuse-26 June 2005. Raelene was meeting the youth and parents and giving her support to SANCA.


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